Thank you, for expressing an interest in our TAX DEED AUCTIONS.
The process begins when the Tax Collector delivers an application for tax deed to the Clerk of Court to process for auction. The tax deed applicant will receive notice from the Clerk of Court regarding additional fees to be paid in order to move forward with the auction. These fees are set by statute and/or current prices. The applicant has a deadline of 30 days to pay these fees to the Clerk of Court.
The Clerk of Court will move forward with the notices and will set an auction date once the fees have been received from the applicant.
Claim To Surplus Proceeds From A Tax Deed Sale Form
The lists of properties for auction are posted in the Clerk of Court’s office and on the Dixie County Clerk of Court website.
- If a property has been Redeemed prior to auction, the property will be removed from the auction list and the current owner of record retains ownership of said property.
- The tax deed auctions are held on the steps of the courthouse on scheduled Tuesdays, at 11:00 A. M. All interested parties are required to register at least 30 minutes before the tax deed auction begins. You are required to register, place your deposit, and purchase these properties from the Clerk of Court in person. A deposit of $200.00 is required to participate in the bidding. The applicant must also make a $200.00 deposit in order to bid. Your deposit will be refunded to you if you are not the winning bidder. No pre-bids or pre-deposits are accepted. We do not conduct the auctions online. We do not accept electronic payments and/or wire transfers for purchases at the auction. Payment must be paid in full, to the Clerk of Court, with certified/cashier’s checks within 24 hours.
- The deposit of $200.00 or 5% of the winning bid (whichever is greater) will be held until you return with all the funds that are due to the Clerk of Court.
- When a property is Sold at auction, the winning bidder will provide information for the new deed/title. Payment must be paid in full, to the Clerk of Court, with certified/cashier’s checks within 24 hours. We do not accept electronic payments and/or wire transfers for tax deed auction purchases. The purchase is receipted, and the tax deed is typed and recorded. The new owner of the property will receive the purchase receipt and the recorded deed at the address they have specified, through the mail.
- There are Recording Fees, Affidavit Fees, and DOC Stamps that are also payable at the time of purchase and are not included in the winning bid. Payment must be paid in full, to the Clerk of Court, with certified/cashier’s checks within 24 hours.
- If no bidders are present to bid on the property, then the property will be Struck to the Applicant. The Applicant will be responsible for paying the Recording Fees, the Affidavit Fee and DOC Stamps, Current Taxes that may be due and 1/2 of the Homestead Assessment. (if applicable) Payment must be paid in full, to the Clerk of Court, with certified/cashier’s checks.
- If the winning bidder fails to make full payment within 24 hours, the winning bid will be voided, the property will be re advertised and sold again at a newly established sale date. The defaulting bidder’s deposit will be not be refunded and will be used to cover the cost of the new sale. Pursuant to Florida Statute 197.542 (2) the Clerk may refuse to recognize the bid of any person who has previously bid and refused, for any reason, to honor such bid. The Clerk reserves the right to deny participation of defaulted bidders from future auctions.
- The winning bid amount, DOC stamps and recording fees are due within 24 hours of the auction and are payable in full, to the Dixie County Clerk of Court. We do not accept electronic payments and/or wire transfers for tax deed auction purchases. If the winning bidder fails to make full payment within 24 hours, the winning bid will be voided, the property will be re advertised and sold again at a newly established sale date. The defaulting bidder’s deposit will be not be refunded and will be used to cover the cost of the new sale.
- The Winning Bidder is responsible for paying the Current Taxes. These may not be included in the total purchase price posted and are payable directly to the Tax Collector. If not paid in full, at the time of purchase, the Tax Collector will send you a bill. (if applicable)
- The Winning Bidder is responsible for paying 1/2 of the Homestead Assessed Value of the property, which is payable in full, to the Clerk of Court, at the time of purchase. (if applicable)
*It is always in your best interest to do your due diligence regarding this process, and on the properties listed for sale, prior to the auction.
Clerk of the Circuit Court & County Comptroller
Dixie County, Florida
Barbie Higginbotham
The Clerk of the Circuit Court is statutorily responsible for conducting Tax Deed Sales and issuing a Tax Deed in the name of the County to the successful high bidder at a sale.
- Tax Deed Sales and the issuance of Tax Deeds are governed by Chapter 197, Florida Statutes.
- The procedure involves a Tax Certificate Holder applying for a Tax Deed through the Tax Collector. (Tax Certificates are sold to collect delinquent taxes).
- There is no case filed in court and no court order is issued for the Clerk to conduct a Tax Deed Sale.
- Dixie County Clerk of Court presents the information on this web site as a service to the public. We have tried to ensure that the information contained in these documents are accurate. Dixie County Clerk of Court makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this site or at other sites to which we link. Assessing accuracy and reliability of information is the responsibility of the user. The user is advised to search all possible spelling variations of proper names, in order to maximize search results.
- Dixie County Clerk of Court shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for any damages in connection with the use of the information contained herein.
- All properties sold at a tax deed sale qualify under “buyer beware”. The purchase of a Tax Deed does not warrant or guarantee clear and marketable title. The Property Information Report received by Dixie County Clerk of Court is only a brief record search for general information purposes.
Please select the link below for a list of tax deed sales. Our sales are held outside the Main entrance to the Clerk of Court’s office located in the Dixie County Courthouse (214 Northeast Highway 351) near the north west entrance of the Courthouse. Should you need any more information, please call (352) 498-1200.