List of Lands Available For Taxes

No List of Lands Available at this time!!

Thank you, for expressing an interest in our LIST OF LANDS AVAILABLE FOR TAXES “LOLA”.

When a property is not bid on at the tax deed auction and/or the applicant fails to make timely payment of the cost due, the land will be entered on the List of Lands Available for Taxes. Due notice of the availability of the land for purchase from the List of Lands is given according to law. The Dixie County Board of County Commissioners has the option to purchase the land during the 90-day period following the placement of said land on the List of Lands. If not purchased, by the Board of County Commissioners, the land situated in Dixie County, Florida is now available for purchase by the public from the Clerk of the Circuit Court. If the property remains on the LOLA for three (3) years, it will be escheated to the county.

The LOLA is available in the Clerk’s Office and posted on the Clerk of Court website.

  • The Total Purchase Price posted is good for the month indicated and is payable in full, to the Clerk of Court with a Certified/Cashier’s Check, at the time of purchase. You are required to purchase these properties from the Clerk of Court in person. It is on a first-come, first-serve basis. We do not sell these properties online. We do not accept electronic payments and/or wire transfers for purchases from the List of Lands Available for Taxes.
  • If a property has been Redeemed, prior to sale from the LOLA, the property will be removed from the List of Lands and the current owner of record retains ownership of said property.
  • When a property is Sold, the property will be removed from the List of Lands. The purchaser will provide information for the new deed. The purchaser will make payment in full, to the Clerk of Court with a Certified/Cashier’s Check, at the time of purchase. The purchase is receipted, and the tax deed is typed and recorded. The new owner of the property will receive the purchase receipt and the recorded deed, to the address they have specified, through the mail.
  • There are Recording Fees, Document Prep Fees and DOC Stamps that must be paid in full, to the Clerk of the Court with a Certified/Cashier’s Check, at the time of purchase. These fees are not included in the total purchase price posted.
  • The Purchaser is responsible for paying the Current Taxes. These may not be included in the total purchase price posted and are payable directly to the Tax Collector. If not paid in full, at the time of purchase, the Tax Collector will send you a bill. (if applicable)
  • The Purchaser is responsible for paying 1/2 of the Homestead Assessed Value of the property. This is payable in full to the Clerk of Court, at the time of purchase. (if applicable)

*It is always in your best interest to do your due diligence regarding this process, and on the properties listed for sale, prior to purchase.

Clerk of the Circuit Courts Dixie County
Barbie Higginbotham

Current Lands Available for Taxes